Sebenza Creek Ecoboscamp is the dream of avid campers and travelers.
The aim of our Ekoboskamp will be peaceful relaxation in nature, away from the city sounds and noise. To provide an opportunity for families to recharge their batteries together, while enjoying nature first hand.
Long-term campers can enjoy the silence for up to 3 months at a time, disturbed only by the large variety of birds that visit the nearby trees.
Modern facilities such as ablutions and electricity points are available, and there is ample space between campsites. Loud music is not allowed.
The idea is to bring campers closer to nature and the peaceful beauty of our Eco Forest Camp, a hideaway in nature for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. Campers are encouraged to relax with the sounds of nature, walk the forest trails, watch birds or climb the small hills in the surrounding area.